Silver Collection

The first NFT Collectors Card Game with chrome and horsepower just got a little more awesome: The exclusive Silver Collection has just been released!

Expand your Superfast.Cards set with even faster, more powerful, more special and more exclusive cars. Quickly choose your desired vehicle, because each is strictly limited to only 150 NFTs!

Their price is only 9 MATIC including 50 PETROL in addition to your NFT!

Connect your Metamask and then click the MINT button to get your desired car.
For secondary market visit OpenSea.

Popular Brands:
Aston Martin, Bentley, BMW, Dodge, Ferrari , Mercedes-Benz, Lamborghini, Porsche

Please be aware that MetaMask has to be installed in your browser to mint our NFTs.

Price: 9 MATIC
Mint now and get 50 Petrol in return
Mint this NFT You must please open this page in the browser within the MetaMask app to MINT. Thank you.