Superfast Token Release | Launch of Leather & Gold Collection
The third phase has already begun, but will not really become visible until the beginning of February! We are looking forward to releasing our Superfast tokens! Details will be announced soon – but we want to drop some information here already: every NFT Holder will get tokens at launch! The more NFTs the more tokens. Silver Collection NFT- Holders will get a multiple of tokens.
The Tokens will be an important part of our Main Game. Tokens are the fuel for our, in a way. Play to earn and win more tokens and use tokens to improve your gameplay.
Look forward to it! It will be very exciting in any case!
What else will happen in phase 3.1?
- Later in phase 3 there will be two new collections: a very small, fine and seldom Leather Collection, which consists of only 20 vehicles and the most exclusive and noble cards so far come in a very rare Gold Collection!